Monday, December 19, 2011

Brooklynn's Christmas Concert

It was a fabulous day at school today. We arrived at the church to receive our program guides .The church was filled with parents and grandparents waiting to see our little munchkins. After the program (below) the kids were handed out gifts from Mrs.Loria and Mrs. Volk and then we all went to the foyer for a party with drinks and snacks. We were so proud of Brooklynn - she sang her little heart out. Here are some pictures. The video will soon follow.
"Christmas Celebration"
Opening Song - Jingle Bells
Welcome, welcome song
Hello song
Chubby Little Snowman poem
When Santa Comes poem
Santa Claus poem
Three Little Christmas Trees poem
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer song (everyone please join in)

Thursday, December 1, 2011