Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday morning

Dad had to work this morning so we all stayed in our pjs and had breakfast in the living room...if dad only knew!!

St.Patrick's Day

It was a green day at the Chadwick household on March 17th. Brooklynn had to wear green to school and of course, chose her Riders t-shirt (which her teacher loved!!) Caiden wore his 1st St.Patrick's Day bib and was cute as ever!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mommy's Little Helper

Brooklynn and I did some baking on Sunday...used my Grandma Hand's recipe for raisin buns and substituted blueberries for the raisins. YUMMY!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Brooklynn's 1st trip to the dentist

Brooklynn had a great 1st trip to the dentist. She was so good they got to scale her teeth, polish them, and even give her a fluoride treatment. What a BIG girl!! I was so proud of her.